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Precision matching bellows

With the rapid development of the nuclear power industry, nuclear power valves, nuclear power furnace exhaust pipes and other necessary equipment for the operation of nuclear power projects,
The market demand for its key components precision bellows has also been expanding, and the demand for localization of such products is urgent. Our Company has repeatedly undertaken the manufacturing of precision bellows for various nuclear power projects, successfully delivered and passed various tests and verification; Many times to undertake a heavy group Dalian nuclear power Petrochemical Co., LTD. Metal hose and other projects. In 2021, the expansion joint sample (cold operation test piece) and the first batch of official products of the domestic exhaust pipe of the glass curing project developed by the company for a group successfully helped the first high-level radioactive liquid waste glass curing facility in China to be officially put into operation in Guangyuan, Sichuan Province, in September 21, marking the breakthrough that China has achieved zero treatment capacity of high-level radioactive liquid waste. During the same period, the company participated in and successfully passed the two-person JG nuclear safety equipment welder exam.